Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 10026/10231
- Bulletin international du Bureau central météorologique de France - Bulletins quotidiens de septembre 1880
- The rains of the Nile basin and the Nile flood of 1910
- Correlation Analysis of Underlying-Surface Temperature, Insolation, and Wind Velocity in the Atmospheric Surface Layer
- Book reviews //
- News - British weather summary: January 2003
- Evaluation of long-range transport models for acidic deposition in East Asia
- Comparison of thermodynamic retrieval by the adjoint method with the traditional retrieval method.
- Remote sensing of sea surface temperature
- Roles of brizzle in a one-dimensional third-order turbulence closure model of the nocturnal stratus-topped marine boundary layer
- EASOE 1991-1992. Une campagne européenne : ballons en arctique
- Climatic governance of the latitudinal cline in seasonality of freshwater phytoplankton production
- Aircraft measurements of the radiative effects of tropospheric aerosols : 2. Estimation of aerosol optical properties
- The analysis of the relationship between anomaly of 100 Hpa general circulation in northern hemisphere and great range anomaly of rain in China
- Influence of wind stress and ambient flow on a high discharge river plume (DOI 10. 1029/2001 JC000932)
- Fine-scale measurements of turbulence in the lower troposphere : an intercomparison between a kite-and balloon-borne, and a helicopter-borne measurement system
- Résumé de l'organisation de l'Office National Météeorologique
- Responsum ad objecta Joh. de Bruyn..., et Petri Petiti
- Climat fou : faut-il y croire ?
- Une île dans le brouillard polaire