Liste complète des notices publiques
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- Non-official, no. ...
- Das vom böhmischen Förstvereine vorzugsweise in den Försterhäusern des Waldes errichtete ombrometrische Netz Böhmens im ersten Jahre seines Bestehens 1879
- Emission of Inertial Waves by Baroclinically Unstable Flows: Laboratory Experiments with Altimetric Imaging Velocimetry
- Mesure de la température et de l'état hygrométrique de l'air : polymètre et abris météorologiques.
- Results of the WMO/CAS numerical weather prediction data study and intercomparison project for forecasts for the northern hemisphere in 1979-80 [Programme on short-, medium- and long-range weather prediction research (PWPR)]
- The Synoptic Decomposition of Cool-Season Rainfall in the Southeastern Australian Cropping Region
- On the role of resolution and topography in the simulation of East Asia precipitation
- RAMCES : réseau atmosphérique de mesures des composés à effet de serre.
- Hydro-Climatic Trends of the Yellow River Basin for the Last 50 Years
- Cyclonic processes over the eastern Mediterranean developing in latitudinal reorganisation of high level mass field [in "blocking regime"]
- Interaction of the sea breeze with urban heat islands of different sizes and locations
- Lightning flash location
- A discussion on the predictability of global change
- Winter oceanographic conditions in the from strait-Yermak plateau region
- Avtomatizirovannyj passivno-aktivnyj radiolokatsionnyj komplekc
- Emission of carbon dioxide from soil
- Sensitivity of a global forecast model to initialization with reanalysis datasets
- Cours d'analyse. Leçons sur les planimètres et intégrateurs.
- Early warning systems for natural disaster reduction
- Climats et types de temps de Normandie : recueil de cartes et croquis (tome IV)