Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 10200/10238
- Recent tropical Andean glacier retreat is unprecedented in the Holocene
- Understanding tidal mixing at the Strait of Gibraltar: A high-resolution model approach
- Bulletin de l'OMM - vol. 67 (1) : Numéro spécial : l'eau
- The velocity of the wind at Manila, Baguio, Iloilo and Cebu
- Le monde physique. Tome troisième : le magnétisme et l'électricité
- An event-by-event assessment of tropical intraseasonal perturbations for general circulation models
- Estimation of Rainfall Based on the Results of Polarimetric Echo Classification
- Special Section: Global Aerosol System - D10S21 - Smoke over haze: Comparative analysis of satellite, surface radiometer, and airborne in situ measurements of aerosol optical properties and radiative forcing over the eastern United Sta
- HOx concentrations and OH reactivity observations in New York City during PMTACS-NY2001
- An eddy-resolving model of circulation on the western gulf of Alaska shelf.1. Model development and sensitivity analyses
- A general hydrodynamic theory for mixed-phase microphysics. Part 3 : riming and aggregation
- Countdown to disaster : chasing the Andover tornado
- Determination of water supplies in the soil and on the surfarce from aerial gamma photographs
- NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE - A Climatology of Thundersnow Events over the Contiguous United States
- A linear study of the effects of heating and orography on easterly airstreams with particular reference to northern Australia
- Note du Groupe de météorologie de grande échelle et climat - n°4 - Ecoulement catabatique en zone côtière antarctique - Programme IAGO (Interaction Atmosphère-Glace-Océan) - Rapport Final
- Beobachtungen über verdunstung in tiflis von civil-ingenieur A.Nöschel bearbeitet von E.Stelling
- Changement climatique : comprendre et agir [Nouv. éd.]