Liste complète des notices publiques
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- La dynamique de l'océan sous pression
- Notice technique et d'utilisation du chronototalisateur à papier plié GMO-2411A-0000 [pour pluvio R01 3030]
- Electromagnetic theory. 1st edition
- 2015 Bernhard Haurwitz Memorial Lecture: Model Diagnosis of El Niño Teleconnections to the Global Atmosphere-Ocean System
- Estimation of laboratory-scale dispersivities using an annulus-and-core device
- C08036 - Improved fine-scale transport model performance using AUV and HSI feedback in a tidally dominated system (DOI 10.1029/2008JC004739)
- C03022 - Chlorophyll blooms in the Antarctic Zone south of Australia and New Zealand in reference to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current fronts and sea ice forcing (DOI 10.1029/2007JC004329)
- Variation of Parameters of Inertial Waves in the Coastal and Shallow Areas of the Sea
- A ATMOSPHERIC SECTION - Scanning Eye-Safe Elastic Backscatter Lidar at 1.54 mm
- An algorithm to detect tropopause folds from ozone soundings
- Reduction of air ion mobility to standard conditions
- The european challenge : satellites for today and to morrow : earth observation and telecommunications : Eurisy fourth information forum for young europeans, noordwijk, the Netherlands, 24-25, 26 november 1995
- Effect of meteorological fluctuations on hail growth
- Statistical comparison of solar radiation correlations. Monthly average global and diffuse radiation on horizontal surfaces
- On the interaction of tropical-cyclone-scale vortices. 3 : continuous barotropic vortices
- Climatic atlas Canada. A series of maps portraying Canada's climate. Map series 5. Wind
- Measurement of total and condensed water mixing ratios in warm-based cumulus clouds by a jet engine evaporation technique
- AEROSOL AND CLOUDS - AAC 3 - Radiative effects of aerosols on the evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer (DOI 10.1029/2001 JD000754)
- Observations of area averaged near-surface wind- and temperature-fields in real terrain using acoustic travel time tomography