Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 1325/10238
- Meteorologia de Menorca, Balears i la Mediterrània
- Bulletin mensuel du Bureau central météorologique de France - Octobre 1913
- BASTA: A 95-GHz FMCW Doppler Radar for Cloud and Fog Studies
- Réchauffement : ce que mesurent les spécialistes
- D18114 - Comparison of a SAFIR lightning detection network in northern Germany to the operational BLIDS network (DOI 10.1029/2006JD007680)
- The role of tributary mixing in chemical variations at a karst spring, Milandre, Switzerland
- Evaluation of the rainfall component of a weather generator for climate impact studies
- Observations of Transient Linear Organization and Nonlinear Scale Interactions in Lake-Effect Clouds. Part II: Nonlinear Scale Interactions
- Application of user-oriented measure of effectiveness to transport and dispersion model predictions of the European tracer experiment
- Climate and Dynamics (ACL) - ACL 14. Seasonal and interannual variation in water vapor and heat fluxes in a West Siberian continental bog (DOI 10.1029/2003JD003485)
- Publisher's note //
- Overview of the Po Valley fog experiment 1994 [CHEMDROP]
- Note sur la correction des indications d'un altimètre en fonction de la température de l'air observée au niveau du vol
- The homogenization of the series of monthly totals of rainfall in Brussels-Uccle [1833-1988] and the assessment of climate change
- A comparison of urban and suburban precipitation chemistry
- Broken dreams
- Aerosol and Clouds (AAC): AAC 21 Cloud liquid water and ice measurements from spectrally resolved near-infrared observations: A new technique (DOI 10.1029/2001 JD000688)
- Estimation of Rainfall Drop Size Distributions from Dual-Frequency Wind Profiler Spectra Using Deconvolution and a Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting Technique
- Formation of Low Potential Vorticity over the Deep Pacific