Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 1329/10238
- Multiple Environmental Influences on the Lightning of Cold-Based Continental Cumulonimbus Clouds. Part I: Description and Validation of Model
- Linear partial differential equations for scientists and engineers
- Comparaison of british stratospheric and mesospheric temperature measurements with values from available atmospheric models
- Measurements of actual and pan evaporation in the upper Brue catchment UK: the first 25 years
- Strong low-pass filtering effects on water vapour flux measurements with closed-path eddy correlation systems
- L'influence du relief sur les vents d'un cyclone tropical : le cas du cyclone Monique
- An Observational Study of Mesoscale Convective Systems with Heavy Rainfall over the Korean Peninsula
- The swedish regional climate modeling program, SWECLIM, 1996-2003. Final report.
- Internet Directory
- C07006 - The frontal area at the eastern edge of the western equatorial Pacific warm pool in April 2001 (DOI 10.1029/2003JC002088)
- A spatial analysis of snow-surface energy exchanges over the northern great plains of the United States in relation to synoptic scale forcing mechanisms
- Seasonal variation in radiative and turbulent exchange at a deciduous forest in central Massachusetts
- Soil moisture based on ERS-1 SAT data for biomass assessment
- Modelirovanie sezonnoj izmenchivosti gidrofizicheskikh polej v tropichekoj atlantike
- Remote sensing
- Creating a serially complete, national daily time series of temperature and precipitation for the western United States
- Reanalyses-based tropospheric temperature estimates : uncertainties in the context of global climate change detection
- CARTOGRAPHIE GENERALE - TOME I: Notions générales et principes d'élaborations .
- Réunion intergouvernementale sur le programme climatologique mondial "Action pour le climat", Genève, 14-16 avril 1993 : Déclaration et rapport de la réunion