Liste complète des notices publiques
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- Nouveau code de sondage des vents. Note de service n° 141. Revue et Corrigée suivant note de service n°141. Revue et corrigée suivant note de service n° 144 [Texte imprimé]
- Les épidémies
- L'anémogène ou appareil reproducteur des courants atmosphériques
- Répertoire des auteurs
- Distribution of ions of marine origin in Galicia (NW Spain) as a function of distance from the sea
- Dependence of outdoor thermal comfort on street design in hot and dry climate.
- NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE - New WSR-88D Volume Coverage Pattern 12: Results of Field Tests
- Predictability of the Seasonal Mean Atmospheric Circulation during Autumn, Winter, and Spring
- Funnel cloud over Tonbridge, Kent, on 10 August 2002
- Some results of seismic investigation of tropical cyclones
- Space-time coherence of ice conditions in far eastern seas
- Neutral winds of the middle atmosphere observed at arecibo using a doppler rayleigh lidar
- Chislennoe issledovanie agregatsii kristallov v prostranstvenno-odnorodnykh oblakakh
- A catchment scale water balance model for FIFE
- Distribution of air pressure in the Aizu basin, Japan
- Statistical description of coagulation in finite spatially inhomogeneous systems [Part 2]
- Descriptive oceanography during the ffrontal air-sea interaction experiment : medium- to large-scale variability
- The night of the Big Wind : the story of the legendary Big Wind of 1839
- Socle de pyrhéliographe