Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 1370/10227
- Deux écoles d'été sur le changement climatique
- 10-25-Day Intraseasonal Variability of Convection over the Sahel : A Role of the Saharan Heat Low and Midlatitudes
- Asymmetry of the Indian Ocean Dipole. Part I: Observational Analysis
- Composition and Chemistry - D15301 - Investigation of some numerical issues in a chemistry-transport model: Gas-phase simulations (DOI 10.1029/2006JD008373)
- Climate and Dynamics - D24103 - Doubled C02-induced cooling in the middle atmosphere: Photochemical analysis of the ozone radiative feedback (DOI 10.1029/2004JD005093)
- Artificial neural network technique for rainfall forecasting applied to the S#x000E;o Paulo region
- NOWCAST - NEWS AND NOTES - Water shortage in the West . Forest-air carbon exchange . Hudson River plume . Plastic particles on the beach
- 5. Intersite comparison of interannual nearshore bar behavior (DOI 10.1029/2002JC001505)
- *There is no ACL I I in this issue
- Transient eddy forcing of the rotational flow during northern winter.
- Deforestation of Amazonia. Modelling the effects of albedo change
- Characteristics of Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes [PMSE] observed with the EISCAT 224 MHz radar and possible explanations of their origin
- Retrieval of cirrus cloud parameters from satellite observations : evaluation from field experiments
- Confronto fra i climi di Genova, Ispra, Montreux e Neuchatel
- The influence of planetary-wave transience on horizontal air motions in the stratosphere
- The effects of surface inhomogeneities on the surface fluxes and on the development of the planetary boundary layer
- Evolution of moist-baroclinic normal modes in the nonlinear regime
- Bibliographie der Publikationen der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden, Gesellschaft 1941-1974 ; Bibliographie des publications de la Société helvétique des sciences naturelles 1941-1974 ; Bibliografia delle pubblicazzioni della Società elvetica di scienze naturali 1941-1974