Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 1398/10226
- Mapping and characterization of avalanches on mountain glaciers with Sentinel-1 satellite imagery
- La bouée MARISONDE RC. L'électronique et les capteurs
- Notice sur le climat du Caire
- Background-error covariances for a convective-scale data-assimilation system: AROME-France 3D-Var
- C10009 - Cross-ripple patterns and wave directional spectra (DOI 10.1029/2008JC004734)
- Soil moisture memory and West African monsoon predictability: artefact or reality?
- Radiative Transfer Modeling for the CLAMS Experiment
- An Investigation of Extratropical Cyclone Development Using a Scale-Separation Technique
- The Influence of Pacific SST Variability on the Precipitation over Southern Africa
- LITE and SAGE 2 measurements of aerosols in the southern hemisphere upper troposphere
- Boundary layer mass, water, and heat budgets in wintertime cold-air outbreaks from the arctic sea ice
- Urban reactions to the global warming issue : agenda setting in Toronto and Chicago
- The impact of emission reductions on mesoscale acid deposition in the lower ohio river valley
- Partitioning and budget of NOy species during the Mauna Loa Observatory Photochemistry EXperiment
- Climatic conditions on the islands of cres and losinj within the global climate changes
- Analiz volnovoj struktury tropicheskoj zony po dannym PGEHP urovnya SH
- Global analysis of aerosol particle characteristics
- Role of the Water Vapour Greenhouse Effect in the Forecasting Of Fog Occurrence
- Changements climatiques : de la Convention de Rio aux accords de Bonn et Marrakech : guide explicatif des accords internationaux - 2002