Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 1453/10231
- Climats passés, climats futurs
- Le climat de la Nouvelle-Calédonie
- Auszug aus den Vorschriften für die einheitliche Ausarbeitung von Wetterkarten (Kriegsausgabe)
- Les effets de changements climatiques en Afrique centrale, cas succincts du lac Tchad et de Centrafrique
- Die Niederschlagsverhältnisse Palästinas in alter und neuer Zeit
- Time for the Weather: Translating Zulu - EST? UTC? GMT? If you think switching to Daylight Saving Time is confusing, Doug Morris is here to explain how time zones work and shed some light on the elusive Zulu Time, which is what meteoro
- Relative humidity and temperature dependence of the ammonium nitrate dissociation constant
- Quick burial at sea.
- Steepness and spectrum of a nonlinearly deformed wave on shallow waters
- Report of the consultation of experts to consider desirable locations and observational practices for Bapmon-Gaw stations of global importance
- Closures used in zonally averaged ocean models.
- Forecasts of hydrological parameters over the Mackenzie river basin : sensitivity to initial conditions, horizontal resolution and forecast range
- An improved method for predicting seasonal and annual shadowing from cooling tower plumes
- GCM-simulated transient variability in the northern hemisphere extratropics and its senistivity to sea surface temperature variation
- Solar radiative fluxes for broken cloud fields above reflecting surfaces
- Modification of dry deposition in a developing sea-breeze circulation - A numerical case study
- Relationships between systematic errors in medium range numerical forecasts and some of the principal modes of low-frequency variability of the northern hemisphere 700 mb circulation
- Using Improved Background-Error Covariances from an Ensemble Kalman Filter for Adaptive Observations
- Environmental forcing of supertyphoon Paka's [1997] latent heat structure