Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 1561/10238
- Climate Change 2023 - Synthesis report - Summary for policymakers
- Un glacier sous couverture
- The weather : an introduction to climatology
- Das Königlich Preussische Geodätische Institut, aus amtlichen anlass herausgegeben
- The atmospheric tide and the sealand breeze cycle in Jersey
- Correction to modelling of the influence of aerosol processes for the dispersion of vehicular exhaust plumes in street environment
- Impact of El Niño/La Niña on the Seasonality of Oceanic Water Vapor: A Proposed Scheme for Determining the ITCZ
- The evolution of liquid water/ice contents of a mid-latitude convective storm derived from radar data and results from a cloud-resolving model
- Seasonal variations of the antarctic coastal ocean in the vicinity of Luetzow-Holm bay
- The biological consequences of nuclear war for Canada
- A linear balance model of wind-driven, midlatitude ocean circulation
- Britain's highest temperature for every date of the year, 1 January to 31 December
- Shedding of new season's shoots by Eucalyptus erythrocorys F. Muell - A response to water stress ?
- Predictability and physical factors influencing Sahel rainfall variation
- Aerosol and Clouds - AAC 2 - Influence of fuel sulfur on the composition of aircraft exhaust plumes: The experiments SULFUR 1-7 (DOI 10.1029/2001JD000813)
- Faisabilité et utilité du recueil de données historiques pour l'étude des crues extrêmes de petits cours d'eau : étude du cas de quatre bassins versants affluents de l'Aude
- Moulinet de lancement américain
- Anémomètre allemand à contact