Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 1569/10227
- Bulletin international de l'Office National Météorologique de France - Bulletins quotidiens de juillet 1923
- Cours de physique pour les classes de Mathématiques Spéciales : optique
- Meso-climatic divide seen from the discontinuity of the weather
- Instruments et stations de mesures météorologiques pour amateurs
- The great earthquake of 1923 in Japan
- Toute la radio
- NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE - Sensitivity of Tropical Rainfall to Banda Sea Diffusivity in the Community Climate System Model
- 4 dimensional data assimilation using the adjoint of a primitive equation model.
- Aerosol and Clouds - D04210 - A density functional study on water-sulfuric acid-ammonia clusters and implications for atmospheric cluster formation (DOI 10.1029/2006JD007391)
- Climate and Dynamics - D20106 - Spatial and temporal variability in Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer-derived surface albedo over global and regions (DOI 10.1029/2005JD006772)
- C03017 - Whitecap coverage from satellite measurements: A first step toward modeling the variability of oceanic whitecaps (DOI 10.1029/2005JC003158)
- Runoff model sensitivity to radar rainfall resolution
- High speed civil transport impact : role of sulfure, nitric acid trihydrate, and ice aerosols studied with a two-dimensional model including aerosol physics
- The modeling of cloud radiation effect
- An analysis technique for deriving vector winds and in-beam incidence angles from radar interferometer measurements
- Caracter diferencial de las temperaturas extremas, sus categorias, tipos y subtipos en Cuba
- Climate and Dynamics (ACL) - INX2 33 - Aerosol optical properties during INDOEX based on measured aerosol particle size and composition (DOI 10.1029/2001JD001572)
- A Note on k - e Modelling of Vegetation Canopy Air-Flows