Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 2005/10238
- Low-Level Marine Tropical Clouds in Six CMIP6 Models Are Too Few, Too Bright but Also Too Compact and Too Homogeneous
- Temps et météo : cycle 2
- On Annular Modes and Zonal Jets
- Climate and Dynamics: D13108 - Incorporating water table dynamics in climate modeling: 2. Formulation, validation, and soil moisture simulation (DOI 10.1029/2006JD008112)
- Baseflow and stormflow metal concentrations in streams draining contaminated peat moorlands in the Peak District National Park (UK)
- C02001 - Alaska landfast sea ice: Links with bathymetry and atmospheric circulation (DOI 10.1029/2006JC003559)
- C12025 - Mesoscale variability from a high-resolution model and from altimeter data in the North Atlantic Ocean (DOI 10.1029/2004JC002360)
- Comparison of root water uptake modules using either the surface energy balance or potential transpiration
- Severe wind/hail storms over Bulgaria in 1999-2001 period: synoptic- and meso-scale factors for generation
- Extending the similarity theory for atmospheric boundary layers : contribution from background stratification
- Western united states surface mesonets
- Some notes on the oceanic aspect of the remote sensing and global climate change issue
- After Rio : the United Nations framework convention on climate change
- Trends and periodicities of monsoon and annual rainfall of districts of Haryana sate and Delhi
- Mnogomesyachnye periody odnoznachnoj anomalii srednej mesyachnoj temperatury vozdukha nad yuzhnoj polovinoj evropejskoj territorii SSSR i raschet ikh prodolzhitel'nosti
- 16 - Influence of wind direction, wind waves, and density stratification upon sediment transport in shelf edge regions: The Iberian shelf (DOI 10. 1029/2001JC000961)
- Windrichtung-Windgeschwindigkeit Täglicher Gang 1951-60. Mittlere Anzahl der Fälle (Zehntel). Flughafen Köln/Bonn Wahn, Flughafen Düsseldorf Lohausen, Flughafen Hamburg Fuhlsbüttel
- Thermomètre à maximum dans étui carton