Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 2081/10238
- Climatological summaries for aerodrome Bratislava-Ivanka, latitude 48° 10' - longitude 17° 13', elevation above mean sea level 138 m, period of record 1956-1960. Volume I
- Changement climatique, les nouvelles simulations françaises pour le prochain rapport du GIEC
- The Convective Transport of Active Species in the Tropics (CONTRAST) Experiment
- Code de la fonction publique : Edition 2012. [commenté]. Onzième édition
- Développements n-tiers avec Java EE (Architectures, GlassFish, JSF, JPA, JWS, EJB, JMS, SOAP, REST)
- Partitioning of major and trace components in PM10-PM2.5-PM1 at an urban site in Southern Europe
- Klimaatlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Teil 2, Verdunstung - Maximumtemperatur - Minimum temperatur - Kontinentalitaet [de] = Atlas climatique de la République Fédérale d'Allemagne. 2ème partie, Evaporation - Température maximale - Tem
- A single-layer litter-moisture model for estimating forest-fire danger
- C11016 - On the relationship between satellite-retrieved surface temperature fronts and chlorophyll a in the western South Atlantic (DOI 10.1029/2004JC002736)
- A mid-winter, tropical extreme flood-producing storm in southern Israel: Synoptic scale analysis
- The Effects of Subgrid Model Mixing and Numerical Filtering in Simulations of Mesoscale Cloud Systems
- British weather extremes: Februrary 2003
- Diagnosis and numerical simulation of a torrential precipitation event in Catalonia [Spain]
- Simulating continental surface waters : an application to holocene northern Africa
- Reconstruction of the external force field from the velocity field of a quasi-two-dimensional flow
- Diagnosis of H2S pollution of the black sea water from gas exchange with the atmosphere
- A century of monitoring weather and crops : the weekly weather and crop bulletin
- Spectral aerosol optical depths over Bay of Bengal and Chennai: II-sources, anthropogenic influence and model estimates
- Etude sur le maniement des deniers publics. Technique budgétaire et procédure comptable