Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 2084/10238
- Nomination de Pascale Delecluse à la tête de l'Institut national des sciences de l'Univers du CNRS
- Annuaire météorologique et agricole de l'Observatoire de Montsouris pour l'an ...
- Climate change or variability? The case of Yellow river as indicated by extreme maximum and minimum air temperature during 1960-2004
- Twentieth-century trends in the thermal growing season in the Greater Baltic Area
- Extreme dry and wet events in Iceland: Observations, simulations and scenarios
- Estimating playa lake flooding: Edwards Air Force Base, California, USA
- Special Section: Project: Atmospheric Pollution Over the Paris Area (ESQUIF) - ESQ 4. Adjoint sensitivity of episodic ozone in the Paris area to emissions on the continental scale (DOI 10.1029/2001JD001583)
- Composition and Chemistry (ACH) - ACH 7 - In situ HNO3 to NOg instrument comparison during SOLVE (DOI 10.1029/2002JD002136)
- Quantification of lower stratospheric mixing processes using aircraft data
- Generalized hydrodynamic adjustment method [GHDAM]
- Hurricane Andrew's landfall in south Florida. Part 1 : standardizing measurements for documentation of surface wind fields
- Simulation of extreme New Zealand precipitation events. Part 1 : sensitivity to orography and resolution
- Pokrywa sniezna w warszawie i proba jej prognozowania
- Hydrography and vertical fluxes of heat and salt northeast of svalbard in autumn
- Collecting supercooled cloud droplets as a function of droplet size
- Comparison of ozone profiles from ground-based lidar,electrochemical concentration cell balloon sonde, Rocoz-A rocket ozonesonde, ans tratospheric aerosol and gas experiment satellite measurements
- Measurements of the collection efficiency in presence of electric charges and fields
- Survey of Greenland instrumental temperature records: 1873-2001
- Analyse de l'eau de mer