Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 2242/10227
- Les changements climatiques majeurs «récents»
- Contribution à l'étude des vents et des précipitations en Corse (Texte)
- Fiches du comité d'étude des termes techniques français. Nouvelle série : termes d'aviation
- Cas de givrage intense du 4 décembre 1941 [Texte imprimé] / par MM. VIAUT, DOUCHY et TASSEEL
- The heavy snowfall of 18 December 2010 across the English south Midlands
- Modification of the isoprene emission model G93 for tropical tree Ficus virgata
- Recherches chimiques sur l'eau thermale sulfurée de Schinznach , canton d'Argovie ( Suisse )
- Rain/No-Rain Classification Methods for Microwave Radiometer Observations over Land Using Statistical Information for Brightness Temperatures under No-Rain Conditions.
- Crop growth and development effects on surface albedo for maize and cowpea fields in Ghana, West Africa
- Aerosols and Clouds (AAC) - AAC 3. Assessment of multiple scattering and horizontal inhomogeneity in IR radiative transfer calculations of observed thin cirrus clouds (DOI 10.1029/2002JD002831)
- The Stochastic Two-state Solar Irradiance Model [STSIM]
- Oceanic turbulence dissipation measurements in SWADE
- Description of a complete [interpolated] outgoing longwave radiation dataset.
- Modeling infiltration during complex rainfall sequences
- Humidity profile retrieval using a maximum entropy principle
- Antarctic regions surface air temperature anomalies
- Decrease of snow cover amounts induced by climatic warming and its influence upon dissolved oxygen concentration of Lake Biwa, Japan
- Predicting supercell motion using a new hodograph technique
- L'utilisation de l'énergie solaire pour les cultures accélérées d'algues