Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 2504/10227
- Note sur la climatologie aéronautique en Afrique occidentale et équatoriale.
- Multivariate spline analysis for multiplicative models: Estimation, testing and application to climate change
- [Les photos du mois] septembre 1992 : Les cyclones extratropicaux Bonnie et Charley
- Bulletin international de l'Observatoire impérial de Paris - Bulletins quotidiens de juillet 1868
- Determination of changes in streamflow variance by means of a wavelet-based test
- Relationship between GPS signals reflected from sea surfaces and surface winds : modeling results and comparisons with aircraft measurements
- A comparison of two heavy rainfall events in India : Bombay, 24 July 1989, and Cherrapunji, 12 June 1997
- Planetary Transient Waves in the Middle Atmosphere, Their Possible Sources and Role for General Circulation
- Analogue [Non-linear] forecasts of the southern oscillation index time series
- A generalized family of schemes that eliminate the spurious resonant response of semi-lagrangian schemes to orographic forcing.
- Micrometeorological determination of release rate of Venturia inaequalis ascospores from a ground-level source during rain
- FM 12 synop internationale en nationale regelgeving voor het coderen van de groepen 7wwWW en 960ww
- LOw-cost automated rain collector and its application to the study of wet only deposition in Sao Paulo [Brazil]
- Evaluation of the different parameters in long's C-band model
- Simulation of More Realistic Upper-Ocean Processes from an OGCM with a New Ocean Mixed Layer Model
- Les observatoires astronomiques et les astronomes. Supplément.
- Vents, nuages et tempêtes.
- Instruction sur le pluviomètre association. Mesure des précipitations
- Quand l'océan se dilate