Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 3109/10226
- Multi-decadal analysis of past winter temperature, precipitation and snow cover data in the European Alps from reanalyses, climate models and observational datasets
- ESM-SnowMIP: assessing snow models and quantifying snow-related climate feedbacks
- Climatologie de la région de Moulins
- 100 Years Before the Mast - In the hands of climatologists and historians, centuries-old ships' logs are revealing past -- And maybe future -- Weather.
- Heat waves in the Mediterranean: a local feature or a larger-scale effect?
- Coincident buoy- and SAR-derived surface fluxes in the western Weddel Sea during Ice Station Weddell 1992
- Relationships between emission sources and air mass characteristics in East Asia during the TRACE-P period
- NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE - Comments on "An Improved Model for the Turbulent PBL"
- Synergistic feedbacks between ocean and vegetation on mid- and high-latitude climates during the mid-Holocene
- Newfoundland low and pressure tendencies, 11 February 2003
- Precipitation and moisture balance of the Asian summer monsoon in 1991 - Part 1 : precipitation and major circulation systems
- Effects of multiple scattering in laser sounding of a stratified scattering medium. 1. General theory
- The use of cloud-resolving simulations of Mesoscale convective systems to build a mesoscale parameterization scheme
- Measurement of tropospheric ozone by thermal emission spectroscopy.
- Ob ehksperimental'noj proverke metodiki rascheta rasseivaniya promyshlennykh vybrosov
- Predictability of flows over complex terrain
- L'agrométéo à la ferme
- Fizicheskaya priroda namagnichennosti molodykh vulkanicheskikh porod v svyazi s sostavom i vnutrenney strukturoy magnitnykh mineralov
- Les mystères de l'arc-en-ciel