Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 3516/10226
- O clima de Portugal. Fascículo XXV. Contribuição para o estudo do balanço cronológico de água no solo, nos meses e no ano, em Portugal continental
- COST 78 - Proceedings of the international workshop on Graphical Interaction with Gridded Fields. Helsinki, 10-12 december 1998
- Elsa Cortijo, lauréate du prix André Prud'homme 1997
- Issues in estimating observed change at the local scale - a case study: the recent warming over France
- La Météorologie - des articles qui défient le temps !
- Introduction mathématique aux sciences techniques de l'ingénieur
- L'épisode de pollution atmosphérique de janvier 1997 dans l'agglomération lyonnaise
- Dissecting Future Aerosol Emissions: warming Tendencies and Mitigation Opportunities
- C07014 - Flow, hydrography, turbulent mixing, and dissipation at Fieberling Guyot examined with a primitive equation model (DOI 10.1029/2005JC003224)
- Impact of global warming rate on permafrost degradation
- Effectiveness of groundwater nitrate removal in a river riparian area: the importance of hydrogeological conditions
- A ATMOSPHERIC SECTION - Studies of the Polarimettic Covariance Matrix. Part I: Calibration Methodology
- Snow cover and snow mass intercomparisons of general circulation models and remotely sensed datasets
- On conditions for contrail formation from aircraft exhausts
- Large-scale land-atmosphere models and data needs
- Measurements of the vertical winds in the high latitude thermosphere.
- Tree-ring reconstructed rainfall over the southeastern U.S.A. during the midieval warm period and little ice age
- Nitrogen budget for eastern Canada
- Typical case studies