Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 3525/10226
- Phénomènes électromagnétiques associés au retour dans l'atmosphère de véhicules hypersoniques
- Balloon investigations of radiative fluxes in the free atmosphere
- The following article is part of the special section Large-Scale Characteristics of the Sea Ice Cover From AMSR-E and Other Satellite Sensors, which printed in February and May 2008 - C06S91 - Climate modes in southern high latitudes a
- Influence of Major Stratospheric Warming on the Antarctic Ozone Hole in 2002
- Surface Tension Effects of Humic-Like Substances in the Aqueous Extract of Tropospheric Fine Aerosol
- Runoff response to spatial variability in precipitation: an analysis of observed data
- A Thermal-optical pattern in a stubble field
- Pomorska meteoroloska sluzba na jadranu i pomorski meteoroloski centar split [1857-1947-1997]
- Breeding phenology and climate...
- The arctic response to CO2-induced warming in a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model
- Terrestrial precipitation analysis : operational method and required density of point measurements
- A case of downstream baroclinic development over western North America
- Thermal effects of dust aerosols
- A regional scale model for ozone in the United States with subgrid representation of urban and power plant plumes
- Use of cokriging to estimates surface air temperature from elevation
- The measurement of turbulent surface-layer fluxes by use of bichromatic scintillation
- L'isolation thermique. Conférence prononcée par M. Jean-Pol Hindré le 21 mai 1975 à la cité administrative d'Angers
- Downward-Propagating Temperature Anomalies in the Preconditioned Polar Stratosphere
- guideforauthors