Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 3718/10227
- Geschichte der Meteorologie in Bayern bis zum Jahr 1900
- Observed changes in dry-season water availability attributed to human-induced climate change
- The reaction of the earth's crust to the load of continental glaciers
- Some measurements of turbulence in altocumulus clouds
- Brown's wind and currents of the northern and southern hemispheres, including chart of the world, showing cold and warm streams of the globe with the law of storms all compiled from the latest data
- Climat et histoire, XVIe-XIXe siècle
- Prise de décision d'évacuation des populations protégées par une digue lors d'une crue majeure de la Loire - exemple du val d'Orléans
- D21111 - Surface energy balance in the ablation zone of Midtdalsbreen, a glacier in southern Norway: Interannual variability and the effect of clouds (DOI 10.1029/2008JD010390)
- On the Diurnal Variation of Mountain Waves
- MERCI : measurement error and correlation impact on the atmospheric dynamics mission.
- Late precambrian oxygenation; inception of the clay mineral factory.
- Book review //
- Generalised additive modelling of air pollution, traffic volume and meteorology
- A study of intermittent turbulence with cases-99 tower measurments
- Assessment of the effects of spatial resolutions on daily water flux simulations
- Electric fields of initial breakdown in positive ground flash
- Interannual climate simulation and predictability in a coupled TOGA GCM
- Interruption du courant zonal en Europe Occidentale et sa liaison avec l'activité solaire. Contribution à l'étude des relations entre les phénomènes solaires et terrestres
- Session "Automatisation des systèmes météoroologiques", 6-27 juin 1984