Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 3828/10238
- Les réseaux
- Bulletin mensuel du Bureau central météorologique de France - Janvier 1888
- Met Mar n°95- 2ème trimestre 1977
- Comparison of ship-surface, rawinsonde, and tethered sonde wind measurements
- La vie sous la banquise
- B OCEANIC SECTION - An Infrared Sea Surface Temperature Autonomous Radiometer (ISAR) for Deployment aboard Volunteer Observing Ships (VOS)
- Tornadoes in Environments with Small Helicity and/or High LCL Heights
- Use of 18O, 2H and 15N to identify nitrate contamination of groundwater in a wastewater irrigated field near the city of Shijiazhuang, China
- Estimation of Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emission and Sink
- Size distributions and formation of ionic species in atmospheric particulate pollutants in Beijing, China: 2-dicarboxylic acids
- Dispersion modelling and observations from elevated sources in coastal terrain
- Long-term temperature and circulation changes off eastern Australia
- An assessment of the weather generator [wygen] used in the erosion/productivity impact calculator [epic]
- The importance of convective gusts
- Teleconnections between the northern oscillation and the extratropical atmospheric circulation of the northern hemisphere. Part 2 : seasonal variations
- A semi-implicit semi-lagrangian finite-element shallow-water ocean model
- Introduction to physical meteorology.
- Met Mar n°181 - décembre 1998