Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 3935/10227
- La communication du savoir à distance
- Bulletin international du Bureau central météorologique de France - Bulletins quotidiens de janvier 1920
- Annual summaries of North Atlantic storms, 1872-2009 (in "Monthly Weather Review")
- Etude des événements précipitants intenses en Méditerranée : approche par la modélisation climatique régionale
- Coupling of hydrologic and hydraulic models for the Illinois River Basin
- Surface ozone in Yosemite National Park
- Aerosol and Clouds - D24209 - Chemical composition of dust storms in Beijing and implications for the mixing of mineral aerosol with pollution aerosol on the pathway (DOI 10.1029/2005JD006054)
- NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE - Comments on "Predictability of Winter Climate over the North Atlantic European Region during ENSO Events"
- Earth's energy imbalance : confirmation and implications
- 8. Large and mesoscale variability of the water masses and the deep chlorophyll maximum in the Azores Front (DOI 10.1029/2000JC000360)
- Aerosol and Clouds (AAC) - AAC 1 - A timescale investigation of volatile chemical retention during hydrometeor freezing: Nonrime freezing and dry growth riming without spreading (DOI 10.1029/2001JD001408)
- Scales of variability in the equatorial Pacific inferred from the tropical atmosphere-ocean buoy array
- Prediction of the summer rainfall over south Africa
- The modification of drop spectra in sea stratus by entrainment
- Optical and quantum mechanical analogs for trapped and leak lee waves
- Evaporable water and evaporation with and without irrigation of cache valley
- Impacts of external and internal atmospheric forcing on the variation of westerly index
- Changes in surface solar UV irradiances and total ozone during the solar eclipse of august 11, 1999
- Turbulence développée et multifractales universelles en soufflerie et dans l'atmosphère
- Anémomètre fréquencemétrique W06 1360A1000