Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 3938/10226
- Papa, dis-moi : l'eau, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
- Géographie régionale de la France
- Programa inicial correspondiente a la organizacion de la III division : meteorologia agricola
- Voyage à l'Elysée : les coulisses du Palais
- C02017 - Decadal variability in the northeast Pacific in a physical-ecosystem model: Role of mixed layer depth and trophic interactions (DOI 10.1029/2007JC004359)
- Variation des taux de pollution et régimes caractéristiques de la climatologie locale dans la région de Martigues-Fos
- Tables of temperature, relative humidity and precipitation for the world. Part V : Asia.
- Charon's size and an upper limit on its atmosphere from a stellar occultation.
- Composition and Chemistry - D09305 - Seasonal and spatial distributions and dry deposition fluxes of atmospheric total and labile iron over the tropical and subtropical North Atlantic Ocean (DOI 10.1029/2003JD003958)
- Relationship between horizontal variations in the Albedo and transmittance of a stratified cloud and its structure
- A stategy for operational implementation of 4D-VAR, using an incremental approach
- An approach to investigating insect-pest of forest using meteorological satellite data
- Measurement of isprene and its atmospheric oxidation products in a central Pennsylvania deciduous forest
- Influences on long-term trends in ion concentration and deposition at Holme Moss
- Specialty meeting on airborne radars and LIDARs. July 7-10, 1992 Toulouse, France
- La pollution atmosphérique. Etude climatologique de la stabilité des basses couches atmosphériques dans la région du Havre.
- Rapporti delle varie scale thermometriche. Estratto dalla recolta scientifica Anno IV. num. 11
- Mitteilungen der wetter- und sonnenwarte St-Blasien (HEFT 1)
- Eléments d'écologie : écologie fondamentale