Liste complète des notices publiques
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- Une ville flottante suivie des Forceurs de blocus : nouvelle édition
- MMA-Model Intercomparison Project
- Impact of Channel Geometry and Rotation on the Trapping of Internal Tides
- Assimilation of Satellite Cloud and Precipitation Observations in Numerical Weather Prediction Models: Introduction to the JAS Special Collection
- Testing the downscaling ability of a one-way nested regional climate model in regions of complex topography
- Alternatives to the Chi-Square Test for Evaluating Rank Histograms from Ensemble Forecasts
- C11002 - Three-dimensional modeling of the Gulf of Lion's hydrodynamics (northwest Mediterranean) during January 1999 (MOOGL13 Experiment) and late winter 1999: Western Mediterranean Intermediate Water's (WIW's) formation and its casca
- Overland flow generation in two lithologically distinct rainforest catchments
- EBE 3. Microbial absorption and backscattering coefficients from in situ and POLDER satellite data during an El Nino- Southern Oscillation cold phase in the equatorial Pacific (180o) (DOI 10.1029/200IJC001298)
- The background aerosol size distribution in the free troposphere : an analysis of the annual cycle at a high-alpine site
- Parameterized subgrid transports in the NCAR CCCM2
- Comparisons of observed ozone trends in the stratosphere through examination of Umkher and balloon ozone sonde data
- Nonlinear, barotropic response to a localized topographic forcing : formation of a "tropical surf zone" and its effect on interhemispheric propagation
- The seasonal variation of the intrusion of the Philippine sea water into the south China sea
- Ice accreation on wires and anti-icing induced by joule effect
- Experimental and theoretical study of isotope effects on ozone decomposition
- Klimaticheskij monitoring global'noj oblachnosti i radiatsii
- Land, water and food.
- Aerologia...