Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 4331/10238
- Recueil des observations météorologiques effectuées par la station française du Groenland entre le 20 juillet 1949 et le 14 juillet 1950
- Irrespirable
- Calcul de l'altitude géopotentielle d'un niveau isobare de référence.
- Les vents au sol enregistrés en Eure-et-Loir.
- Wind energy meteorology : Atmospheric physics for wind power generation
- A self-consistent scattering model for cirrus. I: The solar regionFNR HREF="fn1">FN ID="fn1">The contribution of Anthony. J. Baran of Met Office, Exeter, was prepared as part of his official duties as an employee of the
- A 5-yr climatology of mesoscale environment associated with heavy precipitating events over southern France.
- Shower from cumulus (photograph) - Inside back cover
- The variation of transport through the straits of Florida : a barotropic model study
- Results of tests of numerical method of predicting typhoon tracks
- Observations of the response of sea waves to veering winds
- The effects of oppositely sloping boundaries with Ekman dissipation in a nonlinear baroclinic system
- Co-operation of international organizations in drifting buoy programmes
- A precision kite or balloon-borne mini-sonde for wind and turbulence measurements
- Mountain waves over Himalayas
- NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE - Investigation of Atmospheric Transmission in the Crimea (Ukraine) in the Twentieth Century
- The descent of tropospheric air into the stratosphere
- European forests and global change : the likely impacts of rising CO2 and temperature
- Een zee van onderzoek : oceanografisch speurwerk op het knmi