Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 4383/10225
- Bulletin mensuel du Bureau central météorologique de France - Mai 1891
- Floods due to melting of snow and control of floods by dam
- Bulletin international du Bureau central météorologique de France - Bulletins quotidiens d'avril 1916
- Sept études sur : 1° L'état sphéroïdal ; 2° Les explosions des machines à vapeur ; 3° Les trombes : 4° La grêle ; 5° L'électricité atmosphérique ; 6° La réfraction latérale ; 7° L'adhésion entre les liquides et les solides : en double originbal français et italien
- A. de Quervain, Teisserenc De Bort, Sondages par ballon dans la stratosphère, 8 juin 1898, 8 janvier 1899. Lettre (8 septembre 1949) de G. Dady et document sur la découverte de la stratosphère.
- C05018 - Spectral wave flow attenuation within submerged canopies: Implications for wave energy dissipation (DOI 10.1029/2006JC003605)
- Determination of cirrus radiative parameters from combination between active and passive remote sensing measurements during FRENCH/DIRAC 2001
- Personalia - In Memory of Vladimir Ivanovich Dianov-Klokov
- Aerosols and Clouds (AAC) - AAC 12. CAPRAM 2.4 (MODAC mechanism): An extended and condensed tropospheric aqueous phase mechanism and its application (DOI 10.1029/2002JD002202)
- Layering in stratospheric profiles of long-lived trace species:Balloon-borne observations and modeling
- Plans for ground and satellite observations of clouds and radiation in the Netherlands
- A case study using kinematic quantities derived from a triangle of VHF doppler wind profilers
- Asimptoticheskoe reshenie uravnenij odnoj neadiabaticheskoj gidrodinamicheskoj modeli
- A transient climate change simulation with greenhouse gas and aerosol forcing : experimental design and comparison with the instrumental record for the twentieth century
- Simulated ground deposition of fine airborne particles in an array of idealized tree crowns
- Relationship of late-winter temperatures in Europe to north Atlantic surface winds : a correlation analysis
- Traité de géographie physique. Tome second, Le relief du sol
- Temperatures on world air routes
- Estimation of atmospheric turbidity from global solar radiation measurements