Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 4410/10238
- Les débuts de la thermométrie (vers 1567)
- Bulletin mensuel de la Commission météorologique du Calvados [année 1896]
- Manuel de géographie historique de la France
- Statistical analysis of climate series. Analyzing, plotting, modeling and predicting with R.
- Norois
- NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE - On the Estimation of Trends in Annual Rainfall Using Paired Gauge Observations
- Learning about climate change and implications for near-term policy
- Ob, Yenisei, and Lena Runoff Variations and Dynamics of Atmospheric Circulation in the Northern Hemisphere
- The response of the coupled arctic sea ice-atmosphere system to orbital forcing and ice motion at 6 kyr and 115 kyr BP
- Design and applications of the integrating nephelometer : a review
- Irish tornado on St Patrick's day
- Comments on "A solenoid-mass continuity invariance criterion related to the potential vorticity conservation" by F. Herbert and H. Pichler
- A comparison between TOPEX microwave, radiometer ERS-1 microwave radiometer and European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecastiong derived wet tropospheric corrections
- Report of the first session of the IS/CCCO TOGA Scientific Sieering Group. Hamburg, Republic of Germany, 25-27 August 1983
- The effect of equatorial eastern Pacific SST anomaly on the middle-latitude circulation
- Chislennoe modelirovanie frontal'noj sloistoobraznoj oblachnosti i ee transformatsii v sistemy konvektivnykh valov
- Characterization of organic aerosol in Big Bend National Park, Texas
- Summer ozone episodes in the Greater Madrid area. Analyzing the ozone response to abatement strategies by modelling
- L'institut royal météorologique de Belgique.