Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 4432/10238
- Quelques remarques sur les expressions utilisées en hydrologie / L. SERRA [ Fait partie du recueil factice. Tirés à part dont le titre est [ PLUIE, EVAPORATION, FILTRATION ET ECOULEMENT : compte rendu des troisièmes journées de l'hydrotechnique de France, Alger, 12-14 avril 1954 / Société Hydrotechnique de France ] ]
- The role of climate services in handling climate change risks: contributions of UKCP18
- Bulletin mensuel de l'Office national météorologique de France - Décembre 1921
- La sécheresse exceptionnelle de l'année agricole 1948-1949 en Anjou et dans l'extrême Ouest
- Dynamical Downscaling with Reinitializations: A Method to Generate Finescale Climate Datasets Suitable for Impact Studies
- Evaluation of the Mediterranean Sea Water and Heat budgets as simulated by an ensemble of high resolution Regional Climate Models
- Chemical composition of urban aerosols in Toulouse, France during CAPITOUL experiment
- Regional monitoring of temporal changes in groundwater quality
- Application of a photochemical grid model to Milan metropolitan area
- The structure , water budget, and radiational features of a high-latitude warm front
- A portable calorimeter for measuring liquid water content of wet snow
- Regional rainfall distribution for Canada
- Some remarks on summer weather in Britain 1995
- The constitution of the candidate predictors and the method of selecting predictors
- Winter air pollution episodes over Cape Town
- Formation of auroral arcs via magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
- The 27-28 October 1986 FIRE IFO cirrus case study : comparison of radiative transfer theory with observations by satellite and aircraft
- Subsynoptic-scale structure in a major synoptic-scale cyclone
- Vertical motion evaluation of a Colorado snowstorm from a synoptician's perspective
- Remembering Andrew - Ten years after the worst natural disaster in U.S. history, have we learned our lesson?