Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 4567/10227
- Bulletin mensuel du Bureau central météorologique de France - Avril 1893
- The CI-FLOW Project : A System for Total Water Level Prediction from the Summit to the Sea
- The potential of high density observations on Numerical Weather Prediction : A study with simulated observations
- Responses of surface conductance to forest environments in the Far East
- Initial condition and parameter estimation in physical 'on-off' processes by variational data assimilation
- The Extratropical Transition of Tropical Cyclones: Forecast Challenges, Current Understanding, and Future Directions
- Evolution of streamflow predictions by the IHACRES rainfall-runoff model in two south African catchments
- Shipboard measurements of dimethyl sulfide and SO2 southwest of Tasmania during the first aerosol characterization experiment [ACE 1].
- The role of the deep ocean in north Atlantic climate change between 70 and 130 KYR ago
- Die niederschlaege, schneeverhaeltnisse und zufttemperaturen in oesterreich im zeitraum 1981-1990
- Confronto fra i climi di Genova, Ispra, Montreux e Neuchatel
- A model study of ATMOS observations and the heterogeneous loss of N2O5 by the sulphate aerosol layer
- Letters to the Editor //
- Application of the k-e turbulence model to the high Reynolds number skimming flow field of an urban street canyon
- The first Rossby Centre regional climate scenario for the Baltic sea using a 3D coupled ice-ocean model
- Comparison of freezing-level altitudes from the NCEP reanalysis with TRMM precipitation radar brightband data
- Evidence of a convective boundary layer developing on the Antarctic plateau during the summer
- La loi des tempêtes considérée dans ses rapports avec les mouvements de l'atmosphère / par H. W. Dove ; avec les dessins et cartes des tempêtes ; traduit avec autorisation de l'auteur A. Le Gras ; publié sous le ministère le compte de Chasseloup-Laubat , Secrétaire d'Etat de la marine et des colonies