Liste complète des notices publiques
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- Description bibliographique internationale normalisée (international standard bibliographic description) pour les monographies en un ou plusieurs volumes recommandée par le Groupe de travail sur la Description bibliographique internationale créé à la Réunion Internationale d'experts de catalogage, Copenhague 1969
- Comparison of wet-only and bulk deposition at Chiang Mai (Thailand) based on rainwater chemical composition
- ON THE WEB - Tracking power plant emissions
- Relations between Temperature and Residential Natural Gas Consumption in the Central and Eastern United States
- 6 Regional climates - h Oceania
- The Structure of Thermals in Cumulus from Airborne Dual-Doppler Radar Observations
- A Numerical Study of the 1996 Saguenay Flood Cyclone: Effect of Assimilation of Precipitation Data on Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts
- Response Functions for Arbitrary Weight Functions and Data Distributions. Part II: Response Function Derivation and Verification
- Analytic game-theoretic approach to ground-water extraction
- Simulation of NOx and ultrafine particles in a street canyon in Stockholm, Sweden
- Climate and Dynamics (ACL) - ACL 5. Efficiency of storm tracks an important climate parameter? The role of cloud radiative forcing in poleward heat transport (DOI 10.1029/2002JD002756)
- Light scattering by hexagonal ice prisms. 2 . Large [nondiffraction] scattering angles
- The KNMI Garderen experiment, micro-meteorological observations 1988-1989. Instruments and data set
- Sparc-Ioc workshop on trends in the vertical distribution of ozone
- Weather cycles
- The potential impacts of climate change on the great lakes
- Composition and Chemistry - ACH 10 - Estimate of top-of-atmosphere albedo for a molecular atmosphere over ocean using Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System measurements (DOI 10.1029/2001JD001309)
- Atlas Jezior polski. Tom 1 : jeziora pojezierza wielkopolskiego 1 pomorskiego w granicach dorzecza odry