Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 5937/10227
- Aviation medicine selected reviews
- On Multidecadal Variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Community Climate System Model Version 3
- Numerical solution of the equations for spatial nonlinear steady-state traveling waves on the free surfaces of homogeneous and two-layer bodies of water
- Use of a Rain Gauge Network to Infer the Influence of Environmental Factors on the Propagation of Quasi-Linear Convective Systems in West Africa
- Characterization of carbonaceous aerosols in urban air
- Sähkomagnetiikka 2006. Tiivistelmät - Abstracts.
- Estimation of catchment-scale evapotranspiration from baseflow recession data: Numerical model and practical application results
- Why is a model topography still not described accurately enough a mesoscale ? How can it be improved ? What we have learned from the compare experiment
- Data assimilation into nonlinear stochastic models
- Summary of space-based observations of atmospheric chemistry
- An experimental study of several parameters influencing the phenomenon of vortex shedding behind a square cylinder
- The Agromet model precipitation analysis
- A reconstruction of Madras (Chennai) mean sea-level pressure using instrumental records from the late 18th and early 19th centuries
- Effects of the Longitudinal Gradient of Flow Velocity on the Motion of Eddies at the Interface Layer
- Comparison of the analysed surface winds from ECMWF and NCEP with observable data, over the southeastern Pacific (35°S-62°S, 70°W-90°W).
- A Lagrangian model for baroclinic genesis of mesoscale vortices. Part 1 : theory
- Statistical methods and the geographer.
- Conseils pour la prévision régionale du temps (Emploi des radios météos; examen du baromètre et des nuages)