Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 614/10237
- L'orage de grêle du 11 juillet 2024 dans le Sud-Ouest
- Présentation du système de stations automatiques DELTA
- Déterminants : équations et formes linéaires. A l'usage des élèves de Mathématiques Spéciales
- Correlated errors in GPS position time series : implications for velocity estimates
- Danish emission inventory for solvents used in industries and households
- Dryline Characteristics near Lubbock, Texas, Based on Radar and West Texas Mesonet Data for May 2005 and May 2006
- C01011 - Effects of tidal straining on the semidiurnal cycle of dissipation in the Rhine region of freshwater influence: Comparison of model and measurements (DOI 10.1029/2006JC004002)
- Wind, Wetter und Klima : zur Nutzung der Windkraft in Deutschland
- Use of information content measures for various applications.
- A potential vorcitity-based study of the role of diabatic heating and friction in a numerically simulated baroclinic cyclone
- A calculation of parameters of the surface atmospheric layer with a numerical model of the planetary boundary layer of the atmosphere and the spectrum of wind waves.
- In situ observations in aircraft exhaush plumes in the lower stratosphere at midlatitudes
- Current techniques for real-time evaluation of conditional symmetric instability
- Discussion of the "mowing devil" story regarding circles in an datfield in Hertforshire, August 1678
- Modeling valley fever (coccidioidomycosis) incidence on the basis of climate conditions
- B OCEANIC SECTION - An Improved Gaussian Jet Model for Deriving Absolute Geostrophic Velocity from Satellite Altimetry
- Anthropogenic emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds in China
- An examination of thunderstorm-charging mechanisms using a two-dimensional storm electrification model
- Rapport technique sur le cyclone tropical Honorinina