Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 6349/10227
- Danish paper on storm surge inquiry
- Les étapes de l'astronomie
- Oxygen and hydrogen isotope evidence for a temperate climate 3.42 billion years ago.
- Variation diurne des Précipitations sur les Atolls de la Polynésie Française
- Uncertainty and global sensitivity analysis of road transport emission estimates
- NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE - Impacts of El Niño-Southern Oscillation Events on Tropical Cyclone Landfalling Activity in the Western North Pacific
- A new methodology for assimilation of initial soil moisture fields in weather prediction models using Meteosat and NOAA data.
- Elliptical diagnostics of stratospheric polar vortices
- Observations of ozone structures in the arctic polar vortex
- Ocean wave dynamics and el nino.
- Some advances in the study of nonlinear instability of the atmospheric motions
- Observation of melt onset on multiyear arctic sea ice using the ERS-1 synthetic aperture radar.
- Die extreme kaeltewelle in den USA im Januar 1994
- The global geochemistry of bomb-produced tritium : general circulation model compared to available observations and traditional interpretations
- Primenenie dvukhpotokovogo priblizheniya pri raschete radiatsii v zamutnennoj atmosfere dlya zadach chislennogo prognoza
- Navy weather offices begin conversion to new radar
- The frontogenetical forcing of secondary circulation. Part 1 : the duality and generalization of the Q vector
- Verkehrsbezogene immissionsmessungen in strassenschluchten von Hannover und braunschweig
- Evaluating the performance of regional-scale meteorological models: effect of clouds simulation on temperature prediction