Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 6432/10233
- Bulletin mensuel de l'Office national météorologique de France - Octobre 1927
- Assimilation de réflectances satellitaires du domaine visible et proche infrarouge dans un modèle détaillé de manteau neigeux
- Software organization of the variational analysis: Format of observations
- Characteristics of Occasional Poor Medium-Range Weather Forecasts for Europe
- Backwater control on riffle-pool hydraulics, fish habitat quality, and sediment transport regime in gravel-bed rivers
- Effect of the 1950s large-scale migration for land reclamation on spring dust storms in Northwest China
- Simulated Climatology of Atmospheric Ducts Over the Persian Gulf
- A ATMOSPHERIC SECTION - Whitening of Signals in Range to Improve Estimates of Polarimetric Variables
- Modelling of macro-and micro-scale mixing in a chemically reactice plume
- Group report : connections between aerosol properties and forcing of climate
- Experimental and theoretical light scattering profiles from spherical and nonspherical particles
- Atmospheric modelling and remote-sensing aspects
- Diurnal rainfall variations at Thessaloniki, Greece
- Turbulente fluesse, nichtinearitaet und irreversibiliaet
- Adjusting satellite radiances by regression with an orthogonal transformation to a prior estimate
- The use of phenological data to calculate chilling units in Olea europaea L. in relation to the onset of reproduction
- A cloud-patch technique for identification and removal of no-rain clouds from satellite infrared imagery
- AMDEC : guide pratique
- Tsunami : ce qui s'est vraiment passé