Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 6714/10238
- Courons sous la pluie !
- Bulletin mensuel de l'Office national météorologique de France - Juin 1925
- On the comparison of the standard barometers of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and the Kew Observatory
- Human populations and climate : lessons from the past and future scenarios.
- Evaluation of precipitation prediction skill of IMD operational NWP system over Indian monsoon region
- The New England High-Resolution Temperature Program
- Impact of Climate Change on the Water Cycle and Nutrient Losses in a Finnish Catchment
- An Oceanic General Circulation Model (OGCM) investigation of the Red Sea circulation: 2. Threedimensional circulation in the Red Sea (DOI 10.1029/2001 JC001185)
- Regenzeit im Sahel 1995
- Model'adaptatsii rascheta skorosti vetra i vysoty voln
- A multiple sounding technique for the study of gravity waves
- Recueil de fiches d'aide à la prévision montagne en Savoie pour les situations d'hiver
- Effect of detuning on the development of marginally unstable baroclinic vortices
- Statistische vorhersage flugmeteorologischer groessen
- One-year measurements of PAN in the Paris basin : effect of meteorological parameters
- The source and fate of massive carbon input during the latest paleocene thermal maximum
- Synchronous climate changes in Antarctica and the north Atlantic
- Mathématiques de l'informatique. Tome 2
- Enregistreur d' anémo-girouette électrique à 4 directions