Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 6850/10238
- Solutions numériques des équations algébriques. Tome I : équations du type F(x)=0
- Les précipitations et les crues exceptionnelles de l'automne 1969 en Tunisie
- List and catalogue of the publications issued by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 1816-1902
- La Loire à l'épreuve du changement climatique
- Climatologias aeronauticas.
- Comparison of Synthetic Aperture Radar-Derived Wind Speeds with Buoy Wind Speeds along the Mountainous Alaskan Coast
- C04026 - Subpolar Mode Water in the northeastern Atlantic: 2. Origin and transformation (DOI 10.1029/2006JC004063)
- TORRO Thunderstorm Report for the United Kingdom: February 2007
- Surface Data Assimilation Using an Ensemble Kalman Filter Approach with Initial Condition and Model Physics Uncertainties
- Spatial resolution of precipitation and radiation: The effect on regional crop yield forecasts
- Displacement Measurement Errors from Moving Platforms
- Nonlinear Focusing of Anomalous Rossby Waves in the Ocean: Numerical Experiments
- Enhancement of evaporation from a large northern lake by the environment of warm, dry air
- Widespread solid particle formation by mountain waves in the Arctic stratosphere
- Atmospheric boundary layer flows : their structure and measurement
- Multiforced statistical assessments of greenhouse-gas-induced surface air temperature change 1890-1985
- Monochromatic and random wave breaking at blocking points (DOI 10.1029/2001JC001042)
- An examination of climate sensitivity for idealised climate change experiments in an intermediate general circulation model
- Une inondation monstre menace le pays des Sherpas