Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 6908/10227
- Quatre siècles de cyclones tropicaux dans les départements français d'outre-mer
- Report on the meteorological aspects of the catastrophic busfires in South-Eastern Tasmania on 7 February 1967
- Meteorologisches Observatorium Berichte. Heit 1 Trudy meteorologicheskoï observatorii imeni. Vyp. 1
- Apport des sondeurs hyperspectraux au sein du système global d'observation pour l'étude des dépressions météorologiques.
- Lowest temperatures in the northern hemisphere.
- Validation of precipitation events in a regional climate model simulation using methods from complex systems theory
- NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE - Initiation of Precipitation Episodes Relative to Elevated Terrain
- Winter and spring thaw as observed with imaging radar at BOREAS
- Representation of localized aircraft NOYemissions in a two-dimensional model of stratospheric ozone
- Organizing data bases to support agricultural production decision making
- L'Aigoual et son observatoire
- Atomno-absorbtsionnoe opredelenie kontsentratsii parov rtuti v atmosfere
- Ultraviolet absorption spectrum of HOCL
- The orthogonal structure of monsoon rainfall variation over Sri Lanka
- Die Kaelte des Winters 1990/91
- Solar ultraviolet irradiance in the ozone hole region in Antarctica [in Japanese]
- Estimating cloud top height and spatial displacement from scan-synchronous GOES images using simplified IR-based stereoscopic analysis
- Die Eroberung des Weltalls.
- Advances in computers. Volume 1.