Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 6919/10238
- The search for nebulae
- Meteorological and communication satellites
- Arctique : la course au dégel
- Special Section: Quantifying the Radiative and Biogeochemical Impacts of Mineral Dust - D18S04 - Simulation of the mineral dust emission frequencies from desert areas of China and Mongolia using an aerodynamic roughness length map deri
- A ATMOSPHERIC SECTION - Characterization of Upper-Troposphere Water Vapor Measurements during AFWEX Using LASE
- Special Section: SAFARI 2000-Southern African Regional Science Initiative - SAF 12. Airborne measurements of carbonaceous aerosols in southern Africa during the dry biomass burning season (DOI 10.1029/2002JD002171)
- Numerical simulation of a life-cycle of atmospheric blocking and the analysis of potential vorticity using a simple barotropic model
- Space station utilisation - Symposium proceedings - Darmstadt, Germany 30 september-2 october 1996
- A new global water vapor dataset
- Evaluation of excess carbon 14 and strontium 90 data for suitability to test two-dimensional stratospheric models
- Observations of superinertial and near-inertial wind-driven flow
- Primenenie dvukhpotokovogo priblizheniya pri raschete radiatsii v zamutnennoj atmosfere dlya zadach chislennogo prognoza
- Coral bleaching and mortality in three Indian reef regions during an EL Nino southern oscillation event
- Turbulent transport at the thermal internal boundary-layer top : wavelet analysis of aircraft measurements
- Amélioration et emploi des techniques optoélectroniques pour la connaissance des paramètres microphysiques des nuages et du givrage atmosphérique
- Cours de physique à l'usage des élèves de mathématiques spéciales . Tome III , Magnétisme. Electricité
- Exercices du cours de mathématiques spéciales. Tome I. Algèbre et analyse.
- Impact d'un ensemble de nuages sur l'environnement de plus grande echelle vu par un modèle de convection nuageuse explicite ( cas gate et TOGA-COARE )
- La pression du vent