Liste complète des notices publiques
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- METEO et CLIMAT INFO n°94 - Janvier 2023
- Bericht zum Forschungsauftrag FG IV 5/01/104-A-606/2 des Bundesamtes für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung über : "Das physikalische Verhalten von Temperatursensoren bei ihrer Verwendung zu aerologischen Messwecken für Wetter und Raketensonden"
- Guide de la décision publique
- Systematic errors in surface and upper lows in the ECMWF operational spectral model(T106) during winter 1985/86, compared with corresponding errors in the T63 model
- Atlas des mouvements généraux de l'atmosphère, année 1865, octobre-novembre-décembre.
- The typhoons of 1882: Part II. Typhoons in september and october
- De l'équation de prévision dynamique au problème arithmétique et pratique de la prévision numérique
- Use of High-Resolution Satellite Observations to Evaluate Cloud and Precipitation Statistics from Cloud- Resolving Model Simulations. Part I: South China Sea Monsoon Experiment
- The Effect of Vegetation Density on Canopy Sub-Layer Turbulence
- Internal Waves in a Homogeneous Sea
- Composition and Chemistry (ACH) - ACH 9 - Reply to comment by D. Krankowsky et al. on "Low-pressure dependency of the isotopic enrichment in ozone: Stratospheric implications" by S. K. Bhattacharya et al. (DOI 10.1029/2003JD003482)
- Special Section: Comparison of Carbon Exchange Between Boreal Black Spruce Forests and the Atmosphere for a Wildfire Age Sequence (FIRIE-EXB) - WFX I. Annual carbon flux from woody debris for a boreal black spruce fire chronosequence
- METEOSAT data processing system in WMO activity centre very short-range weather forecasting in Bratislava [Czechoslovakia]
- A hidrologiai ciklus modellezesenek lehetosege egyszeru klimamodellekben
- The effect of realistic radiative transfer on potential vorticity structures, including the influence of background shear and strain
- The causes of severe convective outbreaks in Alberta. Part 2 : conceptual model and statistical analysis
- Meteorological analysis of long range transport of mineral aerosols over the north pacific
- Role of Terrestrial Hydrologic Memory in Modulating ENSO Impacts in North America
- SCOR notes : climatologie