Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 6947/10238
- Carbone fossile, carbone vivant. Vers une nouvelle économie du climat / par Christian de Perthuis
- Résumé des observations météorologiques faites a Nice du 1er Janvier 1849 au 31 Décembre 1861 (13 ans)
- The impact of meteorological forcings on gas phase air pollutants over Europe
- Dictionnaire étymologique du français
- Evaluation of the Soil Model of the Hydro-Thermodynamic Soil-Vegetation Scheme by Observations and a Theoretically Advanced Numerical Scheme
- Structure, Propagation, and Mixing of Energetic Baroclinic Tides in Mamala Bay, Oahu, Hawaii
- Climate Change to the End of the Millennium
- The Effects of Fire on Rock Art: Microscopic Evidence Reveals the Importance of Weathering Rinds
- An Interactive Cirrus Cloud radiative parameterization for global climate models
- Transient Simulation of MT. Pinatubo Stratospheric Aerosol
- Intercalibration, objective analysis, intercomparison and synthesis of BOREAS surface net radiation measurements.
- Eddy-mean flow interaction in the Gulf Stream at 68°W. PART 2 : eddy forcing on the time-mean flow
- Gravity wave variance in lims temperatures part 1: variability and comparison with background winds
- Arctic sea ice surface temperature from AVHRR
- The Ericson. ESA near field antenna test facility. Moelndal, Sweden
- Mechanisms of variation in total content of trace gases under the influence of internal gravity waves
- AEROSOL AND CLOUDS: AAC 13 - Effects of long-range transport and clouds on cloud condensation nuclei in the springtime Arctic (DOI 10.1029/2001 JD000759)
- Thermo-hygrographe ancien modèle
- Récepteur-enregistreur de girouette électrique à 16 directions