Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 7052/10225
- Forecast sensitivity to observations at Météo-France : Application to GPS radio-occultation data
- Evapotranspiration and regional probabilities of soil moisture stress in rainfed crops, southern India
- Climatological aspects of Hadley, Walker and monsoon circulations in two phases of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation
- Température minimale au sol et sous-abri observée à Montélimar
- Special Section: GEWEX Continental-Scale International Project, Part 3 (GCIP3) - GCP 22. A satellite approach for estimating regional land surface energy budget for GCIP/GAPP (DOI 10.1029/2002JD003088)
- A New Perspective of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange
- Interannual and decadal changes in equatorial wind stress in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans and the eastern ocean coastal response
- Some characteristics of the lower troposphere during the cyclonic weather types.
- Das synoptisch-klimatologische teilautomatische beobach tungs messnetz oesterreichs
- The role of transients in weather regimes and transitions
- Variational assimilation of GEOSAT data into an eddy-resolving model of the gulf stream extension area
- Langmuir circulations in a surface layer bounded by a strong thermocline
- Statisticheskij analyz meteorologicheskoj informatsii
- The potential effect of climate changes on agriculture
- Mobile sounding observations of lake-effect snowbands in western and central New York
- Composition and Chemistry - ACH 12 - Development and application of a state-of-the-science plume-in-grid model (DOI 10.1029/2002JD002123)
- Stratospheric age spectra derived from observations of water vapor and methane
- Effects of environmental flow upon tropical cyclone structure
- Bemerkungen über die barometrisch bestimmten Meereshohen des Onega- und Ladoga-Sees
- Ma météo au jour le jour