Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 7395/10238
- Toward a new cloud analysis and prediction system
- Caracteristicas de vientos locales en Aragon, La Rioja y Navarra obtenidas a partir de datos de la red de estaciones meteorologicas automaticas.
- Water resources and environmental change in a Mediterranean environment: The south-west sector of the Duero river basin (Spain)
- Climate and Dynamics - D22107 - Solar cycle effects on modes of low-frequency circulation variability (DOI 10.1029/2005JD006813)
- Morphological and physico-chemical characteristics of soils in a steppe region of the Kherlen River basin, Mongolia
- Climate and Dynamics - D13109 - Comparison of horizontal velocity spectra derived from chaff rockets with saturation models (DOI 10.1029/2005JD006065)
- Error propagation for velocity and shear stress prediction using 2D models for environmental management
- Decadal and year-to-year Variations of the Arctic lower-stratospheric temperature for the month of March and their relationship with eddy heat flux
- Effects of Coarsely Resolved and Temporally Interpolated Lateral Boundary Conditions on the Dispersion of Limited-Area Ensemble Forecasts
- Atlas of pilot charts : south Atlantic ocean
- The modulation of planetary wave propagation by the tropical QBO zonal winds and the associated effects in the residual meridional circulation
- The isotopic characterization of methane, non-methane hydrocarbons and formaldehyde in the troposphère.
- Climate system monitoring, June 1991-November 1993
- Agrometeorologicheskie faktory formirovaniya urozhaya zelenoj massy mnogoletnikh trav v nechernozem'e
- The influence of meridional shear on planetary waves. Part 1 : nonsingular wind profiles
- Apport des techniques spatiales pour une meilleure connaissance des courants de surface dans l'océan austral
- The slope of isentropes constituting a frontal zone
- Time derivative of the electric field 10, 14, and 30 m from triggered lightning strokes
- Jahresberiberischt des physikalischen central-observatoriums für 1877 und 1878