Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 7515/10238
- Absorption par la vapeur d'eau. Etude expérimentale
- Les sols de France
- La correspondance entre Teisserenc de Bort et Hildebrandsson : Fin XIXe début du XXe siècle - 2
- Rapport d'activité 1981
- Robustness of Future Changes in Local Precipitation Extremes
- [Les photos du mois] Mars 2008 : La tempête Johanna - Du côté du pôle Nord
- [Résumé climatique] Décembre 2006
- Model evaluation of the atmospheric boundary layer and mixed-layer evolution
- The ICWRER-Symposium in Dresden, Germany
- Surface wetness duration under controlled environmental conditions
- Climate and Dynamics - D03113. Correction to "Mesoscale modeling of meteorological conditions in the lower troposphere during a winter stratospheric ozone intrusion over Zagreb, Croatia" (DOI 1 10.1029/2004JD00453 1)
- The impact of resolution and of MAP reanalysis on the simulations of heavy precipitation during MAP cases
- Estimation of the direct radiative forcing due to sulfate and soot aerosols
- Estimates of radiative forcing due to modeled increases in tropospheric ozone
- Counterparts of finnish climate zones in Sweden
- Arithmehtiko montelo prognohsehs tou fasmatos tou thalassiov kumatos steh mesogeio
- The global precipitation climatology project
- On the selection of eastward-propagating modes appearing in the wave-CISK model as tropical intraseasonal [30-60 day] oscillations-linear responses to localized heating moving in the east-west direction on the equatorial beta plane
- Probleme und methoden der komplexen nutzung von RT- und NRT-unterlagen bei der vorhersage mesometeorologischer erscheinungen