Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 7549/10227
- Vitesse d'évolution des grêlons en chute libre. 3ème Partie. Résultats des mesures
- Hygrographe à cheveux
- Beiträge zur Erforschung der Atmosphäre mittels des Luftballons
- D17304 - Investigation of the deposition and emission of mercury in arctic snow during an atmospheric mercury depletion event (DOI 10.1029/2008JD009893)
- Impacts of atmospheric anthropogenic nitrogen on the open ocean.
- Weather Queries - Forecasting Weather With GOES and Mysterious Raindrops
- Detecting and nowcasting cloudiness using near-surface temperatures on winter nights
- Atmospheric methane and nitrous oxide of the late pleistocene from Antarctic ice cores.
- Effect of Surface Waves on Air-Sea Momentum Exchange. Part II: Behavior of Drag Coefficient under Tropical Cyclones
- A Comparative study on the Backscattering Ability of Raindrops and Ice Particles [Hail]
- Modeling of stratiform cloudiness and precipitation in mesoscale and large scale models.
- Diurnal variation of surface fluxes during thorough drying [or severe drought] of natural prairie
- An index of precipitation probability for dryness/wetness analysis
- Simulation of stationary and transient eddies with the french spectral general circulation model
- Impacts of external and internal atmospheric forcing on the variation of westerly index
- Caractérisation des aérosols atmosphériques en Ile-de-France : contribution locale et transport à longues distances
- Dictionnaire de chimie pure et appliquée. Deuxième Supplément. Tome troisième, D-E
- The restless universe #
- 3 octobre 1988, Inondations sur Nîmes et sa région : manifestation, causes et conséquences