Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 7664/10227
- Tsirkulyatsiya v stratosfere i mezosfere
- Histoire de l'informatique
- Impact of Stochastic Physics in a Convection-Permitting Ensemble
- Abri fermé démontable, modèle O.N.M. 1925
- Strong field evidence of directional permeability scale effect in fractured rock
- Bridging Political Expectations and Scientific Limitations in Climate Risk Management - On the Uncertain Effects of International Carbon Sink Policies
- C01003. Gulf of Mexico circulation within a high-resolution numerical simulation of the North Atlantic Ocean (DOI 10.1029/2003JC001770)
- Indicators of climate change for the Russian Federation
- Changing of convective cloud's characteristics after cloud seeding
- The impacts of potential climate change and climate variability on simulated maize production in China
- Unidimensional modelling of a fallow savannah during the HAPEX-Sahel experiment using the SiSPAT model
- Training symposium for operational forecasters in the Carolinas and Virginia
- Boundary-layer parametrization in heterogeneous terrain
- A numerical simulation of the surface water budget during HAPEX-MOBILHY
- Geochronological evidence supporting Antarctic deglaciation three million years ago
- A comparison of numerical methods for solving the advection equations-3
- Engineering design for climatic extremes
- Signatures of Annual and Seasonal Variations of CO2 and Other Greenhouse Gases from Comparisons between NOAA TOVS Observations and Radiation Model Simulations
- Global Warming : Rising Global Temperature, Rising Uncertainty
- L'Aliénation des forêts de l'état devant l'opinion publique