Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 7763/10227
- Monitoring thin sea ice in the Arctic
- Le cyclone du 24 au 28 novembre 1912 dans le nord de Madagascar
- Diurnal Variation of Convective Activity and Precipitable Water around Ulaanbaator, Mongolia, and the Impact of Soil Moisture on Convective Activity during Nighttime
- International Polar Year 2007-2008
- 5 The Poles - c Antarctic - I Atmospheric circulation
- Foreshadowing the glacial era
- Seasonal and shorter-term variations in particulate atmospheric nitrate in Baltimore
- Tornado and Storm Research Organisation (TORRO) Annual Review 2003 - Tornadoes and other whirlwinds in Ireland 2003
- Surface heat flux variability over the northern California shelf
- Sea-level pressure variability around Antarctica since A.D. 1750 inferred from subantarctic tree-ring records
- Analyse polarographique de l'eau de pluie ; dosage du calcium
- Emission of methyl bromide from biomass burning
- Incident rainfall in Rome and its relation to biodeterioration of buildings
- Gas phase measurements of hydrogen peroxide in Greenland and their meaning for the interpretation of H2O2 records in ice cores
- CC1 experts meeting on "climat" code adaptation [Geneva, 5-6 November 1991]
- Explosive Cyclone Development in the Southern Hemisphere and a Comparison with Northern Hemisphere Events
- Effects of precipitation on ocean mixed-layer temperature and salinity assimulated in a 2-D coupled ocean-cloud resolving atmosphere model
- L'électronique dans les appareils de contrôle nucléaire. Tome 1.
- Les ondes dues au relief dans les Basses-Alpes françaises : 2ème campagne d'études et mesures, Janvier-février 1957. 2, Figures