Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 7876/10238
- Bulletin mensuel du Bureau central météorologique de France - Mai 1908
- [Résumé climatique] février 1993
- Annales de l'Association internationale de climatologie
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability along the Path of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- C01004 - Altimeter dual-frequency observations of surface winds, waves, and rain rate in tropical cyclone Isabel (DOI 10.1029/2005JC003068)
- Climate and Dynamics - D04104 - Time series analysis of regional climate model performance (DOI 10.1029/2004JD005046)
- The Effects of North Atlantic SST and Sea Ice Anomalies on the Winter Circulation in CCM3. Part II: Direct and Indirect Components of the Response
- High-resolution measurement of a hail region by vertically pointing doppler radar
- Variations of atmospheric 14C Concentrations over the Alleroed-Younger Dryas Transition
- Immission and dry depostion of the trace gases 03, and SO2 downwind of a main industrial region in eastern Germany
- Observations of recurrent mesoscale eddies in the eastern mediterranean
- Urban air pollution in the russian federation relative to atmospheric air quality criteria of the world health organization
- Ein vergleich der haeufigkeitsverteilungen der stabilitaetsklassifikationen nach Klug/Manier und Uhlig
- Flooding at Carmarthen in October 1987. Historical precedents and statistical methods
- Scale interaction and predictability in a mesoscale model
- B OCEANIC SECTION - Velocity Mapping Capabilities of Present and Future Altimeter Missions: The Role of High-Frequency Signals
- Dynamical influence of large valleys on the propagation of coastally trapped disturbances
- ARC "Modèles climatologiques appliqués à la conception des systèmes énergétiques du bâtiment". Rapport final