Liste complète des notices publiques
Page 7974/10227
- The Value of Impact-Based Decision Support Services: Case Studies with Winter Storms
- Apports de la recherche à la gestion des espaces littoraux et maritimes : enseignements du programme Liteau 2009-2013
- Bulletin mensuel du Bureau central météorologique de France - Avril 1911
- Severe Convective Storms and Tornadoes : observations and dynamics
- Comparisons of Transport and Dispersion Model Predictions of the Joint Urban 2003 Field Experiment
- Special Section: North Pacific Carbon Cycle Variability and Climate Change - C07S01 - Introduction to special section on North Pacific Carbon Cycle Variability and Climate Change (DOI 10.1029/2006JC003532)
- Dynamical extraseasonal climate prediction system IAP DCP-2
- 28. Near-bed turbulence and bottom friction during SandyDuck97 (DOI 10.1029/2001JC000952)
- A study of tropical cyclone influence on the generation of internal tides (DOI 10. 029/2000JC000783)
- Organics alter hygroscopic behavior of atmospheric particles
- The total hydrogen budget in the Arctic winter stratosphere during the European Arctic stratospheric ozone experiment
- NOAA polar-orbiting operational environmental satellite program : status and plans
- The ERS-1 ground segment
- Analysis of climate variability in general circulation models : comparison with observations and changes in variability in 2XCO2 experiments
- A higher order closure model applied to research on the structure of the Thermal Internal Boundary Layer [TIBL]
- Use of soil moisture measurements in hydrologic balance studies
- Las precipitaciones maximas en 24 horas y sus periodos de retorno en Espaaea : un estudio por regiones. Volumen 1, Galicia
- Climatologia equatorial.
- Traité élémentaire de météorologie
- Lavoisier : mémoires d'une révolution