Liste complète des notices publiques
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- Archives sur l'histoire de l'aéropostale, extraites du carton n°91 (de type "Dimab") des Archives Nationales (A.N.), situé dans le bâtiment 55 de Trappes. Cas du trajet Dakar?Natal
- Arktis : vierteljahrsschift der internationalen gesellschaft zur eforschung der Arktis mit luftfahrzeugen...4. Jahrgang 1931
- [Résumé climatique] Avril 1997
- Wave-Modified Flux and Plume Dispersion in the Stable Boundary Layer
- An Observational Estimate of Volume and Freshwater Flux Leaving the Arctic Ocean through Nares Strait
- ENSO Amplitude Changes due to Climate Change Projections in Different Coupled Models
- Etude de la lumière du fond du ciel nocturne
- Correction of Global Precipitation Products for Orographic Effects
- Coefficients of the Angstroem-Prescott equation for estimating global irradiance from hours of bright sunshine in Botswana and Niger
- Association between ionospheric maximum electron density and lower stratospheric temperature
- Small dopler radar as a precipitation gage
- On modulation interaction of the various scale waves in the atlantic tropical zone
- Analysis of the surface radiation over the tibetan plateau
- A one-dimensional modeling study of carbonaceous haze effects on the springtime arctic environment
- Ob odnom istochnike oshibok v izmerenii otrazhayushchikh svojstv gidrometeornykh obrazovanij meteorologicheskikh radiolokatorom
- Estimating yield from hygrothermal conditions
- Hydrometeorological phenomena resulting in natural disasters, and a system for their forecasting
- Externalisation et sous-traitance dans les services d'information : état des lieux et perspectives
- Réseaux et services multimédias